Monday, March 29, 2010

Gutt Yom Tov!

I wish everyone kosher and freilichen Peisach and that this year not only are we able to overcome our limitations, but that we use the limitations themselves for the purpose of reaching the greater depths.

The only reason Jews went into the Mitzrayim was to receive Torah. The only reason every Jewish soul descended into this world is to make Dwelling for HaKadosh Boruchu. May this task be completed now, in a happy and pleasant way!


Yossi said...

"the only reason the Jews went down to Mitzrayim was to receive the Torah"
Then why do we say in Dayenu that it would have sufficed us had we been brought before Mt. Sinai, and not received the Torah???

Anarchist Chossid said...

1. Frierdiker Rebbe said not to interrupt the singing/saying of Daieinu because a Jew should never be satisfied with his level in ruchnius.

2. At the same time, we can be grateful to Hashem for just being a part of His creation. Even a rock has to be grateful. Hashem didn’t owe the rock anything. He didn’t have to create it nor sustain its existence. And yet He did! Now, a plant should be even more grateful. It would be enough to be grateful as a rock, but as a plant — how much more so. And so on, until the level of a beinoni who is a chossid of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (the highest form of existence below tzaddikim).

3. Our perspective (above) has nothing to do with Hashem’s perspective. By us, it would be enough to be just liberated from Egypt. This has nothing to do with the fact that Hashem made us slaves specifically with the purpose of later bringing us out and giving us Torah (as a part of his plan).

Yossi said...

and the simple answer given, is that at har sinai, the yidden were k'ish eched blev echad, and as long as they were b'achdus with ultimate ahavas yisroel, Hashem was pleased and that would have been enough

Anarchist Chossid said...

True. This is why I made a hachloto not to make fun of misnagdim.

Yossi said...

has it been hard to keep?

Anarchist Chossid said...

Wouldn’t answering “yes” (and I am not saying that’s my answer) be equivalent to making fun of them?