Thursday, March 11, 2010

So racist!..

An excerpt from this article:
The 2nd story involved a family who had a lady clean and cook for them for many years. They loved her as she was part of their family. As years passed and the lady wanted to retire, she bought a house in her native Poland. The family drove their beloved house keeper to the airport.

By the last checkpoint where the family couldn’t follow her any further she stopped and said: “Well now that I'm leaving you are surely going to miss my cooking!” “Oh yes, we definitely will,” the family said warmly.

Smiling she said to them: “You know, whenever I cooked for you, I always added a special ingredient with a special flavor: pork. That’s why you liked my cooking so much!” Their close ‘family friend’ turned around and walked to the plane leaving the family completely and utterly stunned.
But of course, the Chazal were just racist in all their laws and restrictions regarding intermingling of Jews and gentiles, laws about their wine and milk products, kashrus in general, not lending a gentile your dog, etc., etc. Nothing similar to what Chazal were worried about has ever happened since the times of Babylonian exile — for sure not in our times...

(Regarding the article itself: both a Jew and, lehavdil, a non-Jew can steal, r"l. Especially if paid “a few bucks an hour” — which doesn’t excuse anything, of course. But a Jew probably won’t put pork in your soup.)


Just like a guy said...

Are you saying that perhaps it's the fault of the baalebaatim, and not the household help?

Anarchist Chossid said...


Just like a guy said...

Ahh. So what are you saying?

Anarchist Chossid said...

Just like a guy said...

What a ridiculous, christian video.

Anarchist Chossid said...

Are you saying that G-d is not Love? And this coming from a Lubavitcher? (Btw, you can comment again in a new post.)

Regarding this post, I was inspiring people to have emunas tzadikim.

Just like a guy said...

No, I'm saying that what the kid is saying is at best snaggy and at worst christian. This kid appears to hold of tzimtzum k'pshuto.

Anarchist Chossid said...

Aderabe: he said there is no such thing as darkness. Darkness is only in the heart of a person. I.e., tzimtzum is only for nivroim. OK, he should’ve said “the brain”. So should have everyone who uses heart as a seat of emotions.

You’re making a typical “anti” mistake: just because something sounds X-ian, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Next thing you’ll be making a preposterous assertion that modern mishichistim are like proto-X-ians.

Just like a guy said...

There is no darkness? There is no cold? There is no evil? The whole point of Chassidus is that everything comes from Hashem, even the bad, because... it's not bad! It's really good! Hello.

Anarchist Chossid said...

Two different points. Yes, Chassidus agrees there is darkness, but it is also (in fact, more) G-dly. But Chassidus also agrees there is no evil.

The kid did not specify where the lack of feeling of love comes from. You are only assuming that he was assuming it was not coming from G-d.

What he is saying is that when you feel something is evil it’s because you haven’t really felt the love of G-d — even inside the evil thing. Nu, perek yud alef of Iggeres HaKoidesh (or twenty-something of L"A).

Just like a guy said...

Maybe. Either way, Albert Einstein would have hated this commercial.

Anarchist Chossid said...

But that’s him, right there?

Or are you saying that he’d hate it the same way the Rebbe hated the famous picture of himself as a child?

Just like a guy said...

Is it him? Presumably they want you to think so. He'd have hated it because it implies that he was religious, when in fact all he was trying to say here was that his professor wasn't necessarily so smart.

Just like a guy said...

Who says the Rebbe hates that picture?

(btw, you can comment on the new post)

Anarchist Chossid said...

Well, people wouldn’t just make a clip of young Einstein without young Einstein actually having said all that, would they? That would be lying.

I think Einstein did believe in G-d. Even maybe the insipid X-ian version of Him (not Yoshka, chv"sh, but all that stuff about love). Later in his life he probably believed in Spinoza’s G-d.

Rabbi Paltiel.

Just like a guy said...

Where's the proof?



Anarchist Chossid said...

It says in the video: “Albert Einstein”. And the little boy speaks in German. For me that’s enough.

Although, we could ask the Big N8 whether he speaks in Swiss German. But even if not, the video could be dubbed.