Tuesday, March 9, 2010

How manifold are Your works, how wondrous Your creations!

“... in Your wisdom you have made them all.”

[Or, for the heretics in the audience, something about evolution and billions of years and millions of miles of genetic material copied and re-copied to produce this.]

A short macro video by Marco Faienza about his father’s little garden. It starts off a bit slow, but after about 1:35 it picks up.

My Father's Garden from Mirko Faienza on Vimeo.

This all looks nice at a distance, but I actually am not a fan of the creatures with exoskeleton getting close and personal. My friends’ home was infested yesterday with black ants, lady bugs and weevils. It’s especially dangerous, since they have a small child who is not averse to picking anything up and putting it in his mouth.

Make sure you don’t keep garbage inside your home.

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