Thursday, March 18, 2010

Be proud not of your ignorance

I find it annoying when people say, with hidden pride, that they don’t know Math, science, philosophy, don’t read serious literature, don’t know anything about a particular area, and therefore, they are not burdened by the problem of thinking about it, which makes their life so much simpler.

Or, equally, when people say in an off-handed manner something like “Well, I don’t know all these laws/minhogim/terms/names of holidays/have never studied Chassidus/philosophy/halacha/Kabbala/Gemara/Tanach”.

I am ok with admitting ignorance, sometimes even in a joking manner, but boasting of it is beyond me.

“I don’t do anything smart. I try to think little and know the bare minimum. In fact, a day on which I have stuck as closely as possible to my basic biological functions is a day well lived.”


NonymousG said...

It is odd that some people flaunt their ignorance... Personally I use mine to spur me on to learn more! But pride? Don't understand it...

e said...

was this inspired by a comment on my facebook status?

e said...

I think they act proud to cover up their fear that maybe they actually are missing out.

Anarchist Chossid said...

Re: comment: it was inspired, but it is but one instance of such thinking.

Re: cover up: perhaps.