Tuesday, March 2, 2010

On laptops, part 2

If Ruven throws Shimon’s laptop from a window (while Shimon is watching*) and Levi catches it — let’s say if Levi can keep it, because the laptop is hefker, does Ruven have to pay Shimon for the laptop? Ruven can tell Shimon: “Why do I have to pay? I didn’t break the laptop.”

Update: I was asked: “Which laptop?” Why, MacBook Air, naturally.

* Shimon has to be watching, so that he can do yeush on his laptop while it’s flying out of the window and make it hefker.


Just like a guy said...

You're a strange man.

Anarchist Chossid said...

That’s your answer to my halachic shaila?

Just like a guy said...

Delve into it.

Anarchist Chossid said...

I have and probably know the answer.

Just like a guy said...


Feivel ben Mishael said...

I don't think Levi can keep it.
You'r not miyayish on something while it is falling. Only once it goes splat.

Feivel ben Mishael said...

Levi has to return it as it is an avayda and if he doesn't then the one who threw it from the window needs to pay for it.

Anarchist Chossid said...

But if the flying laptop is as if already broken (to the point that if I actually break it with a baseball bat or ball, I did not officially break it), doesn't this mean that seeing it fly down is enough to me'yaesh it?

Re: paying: I agree. Seemingly, it's no different from throwing an object that is not damaged by water into ocean. I didn't break it, but I made it lost for its owner, so I have to pay.

Feivel ben Mishael said...

I think there is a sugya in gittin which is revelant.
Let me get back to you.

Anarchist Chossid said...

TRS, what were blogs created for if not for discussing Hashem’s Will and Wisdom on them?

Just like a guy said...

What do you want from me?

Anarchist Chossid said...

What does the Rebbe want from you?

Just like a guy said...

How's this connected to anything...?

Anarchist Chossid said...

Isn’t it connected to everything?