Monday, April 26, 2010

Grasping G-d

This Shabbos we have concluded the yearly cycle of learning Rambam. In this video the Rebbe discusses the end and the beginning of the Mishnei Torah and explains what it means that the knowledge of G-d will fill the Earth as the water covers the sea.

The statement of R’ Sa’adia Gaon — “If I knew Him, I would be Him” — is well known. What is less known is the statement by Rebbe Rashab that, while he was meditating on the ideas of Chassidus, “I knew Him, and I was Him”. In the video, the Rebbe stresses the necessity of contemplating how there is nothing but G-d and uniting with Him in one’s thought.


e said...

statements like that cause people like my neighbor to think the lubavitch is nuts and that the rebbeim were all about kavod and honor.

Anarchist Chossid said...

If one wishes to err, let him err. If someone is a snag, nothing will help him.

Dowy said...

your neighbor refuses to accept reality and wishes to worship idols. you should explain this to him.
btw dont think this is not practical. People sometimes think that lack of ego leads to depression. in fact the main cause of depression is THE ego. this is a well known fact in spychology.
recognising that you are G-d does not increase your ego. in fact you acknowledge that you are nothing.

Anarchist Chossid said...

Good point.

Made me think of the difference between mussar and Chassidus.