I like the paintings of Russian Jewish artist, Boris Dubov. Not all (not his surrealist paintings), but many of them (more traditional ones).
See this web-site for his “Judaica” art.

Although, am I the only one, or do the works of this sort seem a bit cliché after a while? Somehow, I like this work a lot more.
Nice, his work has a lot of atmosphere, and I like the light. Shame none of his sculptures are on his website.
Nice colors too.
How do you know he does sculptures?
Do you sculpt, by the way?
A few more of his pictures are here, but don’t click on any links.
(Not that I am telling anyone what to do; just a word of warning.)
Lol, I know.
On his website he is described as both a painter and sculptor.
I take sculpture in the mornings. With clay, and little rakes and paddles and wooden things.
Is this your parallel specialization, or is it just a requirement, like for musicians who have to take a second instrument, which they mostly never play (e.g., Misha plays a viola)?
“Little rakes and paddles and wooden things” sounds mysterious. Or perhaps I am looking for a different adjective.
I took it to improve my paintings, to make them more sculptural, which BH, they are becoming. It happens that I enjoy it a lot too.
My tools actually are little rakes and paddles, though currently I'm using a brush to smooth things out. It's obscene how much they charge for a metal stick.
You mean, to make them more 3D?
Yeah, in science they charge ridiculous amounts for a pair of surgical scissors, for instance. Thankfully, I am not buying it myself. It’s all taxpayers’ money robbed by NIH.
Yes, 3D.
Blessed taxpayers. Unfortunately, I'm not cut the same deal. Though student discounts are nice.
When I was taking photography, our professor insisted that we buy local stuff to support local vendors. It was twice as expensive as WalMart. This was the start of my moving from naive center to the right.
Yeah, I've heard many people change their political stance when they start paying taxes.
Well, considering how much salary I am earning from my school, I should be Obama’s biggest fan.
*dark muttering.
Sorry, scientists get paid. So that they don’t starve. Barely. Unfortunately, to get to this school, I had to agree to some offers I could not refuse. So, I get paid even less than enough not to starve.
Actually, the more I am looking at the last picture (with the grandfather, the grandson and the pen), the more it reminds me of Rembrandt. Am I nuts?
(Maybe it’s too late...)
Hm, the grandfather's face is a definitely a bit Rembrandt-esque. The color use is a bit different though, I think. Here's a cool detail I found: http://www.jamescgroves.com/rembrandt/6.jpg
That’s very nice. Apparently, he had no problems with 3D.
In general, I like paintings with wide strokes. One, <a href = "http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9c/Khilkov_by_Repin.jpg>Two</a>. These are details from the State Council Assembly, which itself is a pretty big picture (400 × 877 cm).
Oops. Two.
The full version.
There is a picture that I liked at MFA of a woman making eggs. Hmm...
Aha! This one. “Making Breakfast” by Velasquez.
I like Repin's brush strokes. Also in that portrait of the composer, the one you'll look like in 40 years.
The egg picture is nice, I wonder if there's some dark meaning to it. And aren't you supposed to be a Feminist? Mah zeh nareshkeit...
The lady is old. She is allowed to be old-school.
Maybe there is a dark meaning. Hmm. Thanks for that. Now I’ll think of this while eating poached eggs.
But I think it was just a scene from everyday life. Like my posting my eggs pictures on Basement Blogging.
In Mussorgsky’s picture, I can just see Reping barging in around 7 am (or 11 pm) to paint it.
Nothing like melancholy in the morning. Judging by the angle, he must have barged in along with a ladder. Or maybe they were very stumpy people.
Not sure. Russians are usually tall.
By the way, younger Mussorgsky reminds me of Yossi Jacobson.
Also, I don't know if he is more melancholic than a Russian usually is throughout the day. I think he just hasn't had his morning tea yet.
I think you are the only tall Russian I know, most are my height.
Are they women?
(By that I mean that Russian women tend to be of lower height.)
Most are women...but not all!
Well, there is of course a distribution of heights and other characteristics. In fact, not even all Russians have dark sense of humor.
Perhaps the few Russians without the dark humor lost it to the few Americans who DO have it. It was redistributed.
When people asked me in high school whether there are any gay people in Russia, I would answer that they were all exported to the US.
Which was of course not true. Some were sent to the UK.
I may have mentioned this already, but in Oregon our bums are imported, special delivery.
From California?
Oregon as in Portland, Oregon? There is a pirate song by Russian singer Bulat Okudzhava about Portland. Well, actually it's not about Portland. Or about davka not Portland. I couldn't find the lyrics, but you can Google-translate this, if you want. This is not the best musically, but probably funniest theatrically scene with the song (you'll probably understand one specific word in it).
From California and I think perhaps some from Idaho.
I am from Portland.
That video is funny and the man has a great mustache.
There is something to be said for good mustache. Tom Selleck always comes to mind (in his more recent works... of which I saw two, I think).
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