Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Come on...

Let me be one more blogger joining the ranks of those who say that whatever your political views (or, which seems to be the main case here, views about adultery and promiscuity), rejoicing over a 73-year-old men having his teeth and nose broken by a mentally unstable person is quite low.

(This is not a sign of support of this low-life's public and private behavior either.)


Yossi said...

what the heck? what happened?

Anarchist Chossid said...

Italian PM Berlusconi was attacked by some nut in a crowd. The guy stroke him with a statuette, breaking his two front teeth and the nose. Now, Berlusconi is a bit of a jerk (politically, personally and in his family life), so a lot of people hate him.

There was a strong wave of “Yeah, good job. He had it coming” on Russian blogs, which a lot of people (including me) found disgusting.

e said...

wise words