Friday, February 26, 2010

Where are you, Father?

There is a story I heard from my rabbi once. After one man died, G-d showed him the roads of his life. He saw all the places he’s been to, all the paths he has walked. And on those paths, he saw two sets of steps — his own and someone else’s. He asked G-d: “Whose are the second steps?" And G-d answered: “Mine. All your life I was right next to you.”

But then the man saw that in the most difficult places, the most marshy valleys, the steepest hills, there was only one set of steps. And he asked G-d: “Why did you abandon me in these places in my life?” And G-d answered: “I did not abandon you. I was carrying you.”

There are times in our lives, when we experience double concealment. Not only is Hashem hidden, as usual for this world, but he is doubly hidden. We doubt He even exists; we cannot see how He can possibly exist if this or that happens — where is He in our lives at these moments?

The answer that Chassidus provides is: He’s never been closer. His Light may not be revealed (which is why we experience darkness), but that means that His Essence is here. A child may not understand his father’s lecture on mathematics, and he is bored, but hey — it’s his father. And he is closer to his father than any of the students who actually understand and see his father’s brilliance. And when the child spends time with him, it’s not for the sake of the brilliance, but, again, because he just wants to be together with his father.

May we experience Hashem’s Light on this Shabbos and then His Essence this Purim and may we each bring Moshiach now.

Please say Tehillim or dedicate some mitzva for refuah sheleima of Chaya bas Golda Rivka.


Dovid said...

My father loves to say that story.

Just like a guy said...

Wow, that was very nice. I'm impressed, CA.

Anarchist Chossid said...
