Friday, February 19, 2010

Some crazy *beep*

— Ma’am, what are the circumstances of your husband’s death? Was he ill, was he sick?..
— Was he swallowed?

So, speaking of craziness. What is an average crazy thing  that you expect a crazy French person to do? I’d say: wear pointy shoes and eat a sandwich of chopped pigeon liver. A Russian? Stay in a drunk state for so long he has no idea the state regimes have changed (true story from early 90s). A Crownheightster? To write an angry letter demanding that a local clothes store was closed because it sells elbow-less shirts (ok, maybe I am underestimating here a bit).

What about an American? How about feeding your cows live to an alligator that lives in a lake — excuse me, a bayou — nearby? I mean, I am looking at this scene and thinking: “Yes, it is totally believable that there is a lady living in Florida or Louisiana who does this.” (The scene itself is not halachically problematic, except the said alligator-feeding part, but it has some obscenity in it.)

— Officer, we have a problem with Hector.
— What problem?
— He went swimming.

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