Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Coming out of the closet

...about being yeshivish despite having been raised MO.

A very funny post by FrumSatire.
At my parents’ suggestion, I started seeing a psychologist. He was a shul member, a friend of the family. He dabbled in hypnosis. Every time he heard the word “marmalade,” he would start singing the “The Whiffenpoofs Song” in Pig Latin. At our first session, I told him, “Modern Orthodoxy is hollow and hypocritical.” “Yes,” he replied, “but what don’t you like about it?” He suggested I go to an Ivy League college for a few years, then decide. I told him that we were created to learn Torah, not to study “The Architecture of the Igloo.”


Just like a guy said...

Brilliant post by Hesh. Chance he wrote it? Zero.

Anarchist Chossid said...

Well, yes, mostly because he indicated that it was written by someone else. But also because it makes fun of MO community, not of frum community.