Monday, January 18, 2010

If you don’t live, you won’t have to die

Thanks to TRS for inspiring me to write this post.

Dedicated to today’s Rambam, a song from Russian movie, Irony of Fate (the clip with the song — man singing — is below):

If you don't have a home,
The threat of fire means nothing.
And your wife won't leave for another,
If you, if you,
If you haven't a wife, if you've got no wife.

If you don't have a dog,
Your neighbor won't poison it.
And you won't fight with your friend
If you don't have a friend.

The orchestra rumbles with basses,
The tuba player blows his horn.
Think for yourself, decide yourself,
To have, or not to have.
To have or not to have.
If you don't have an aunt,
You won't be able to lose her.
And if you don't live,
Then you won't have to die.

If you don't have an aunt,
Your neighbor won't poison her,
And your wife won't leave you for your friend,
If you don't have a friend.

The orchestra rumbles with basses,
The tuba player blows his horn.
Think for yourself, decide yourself,
To have, or not to have.
To have or not to have.


Just like a guy said...

Basically, no responsibility=no possibility of pain=no possibility of happiness.

Anarchist Chossid said...

And conversely, the more pain, the more happiness.

That’s Russian motto for life.

Just like a guy said...

So why'd all the Russians leave Russia?

Anarchist Chossid said...

It’s an exchange program. Russian learn from others the ways of happiness and teach them the ways of pain.

Just like a guy said...

Wow, what a great incentive for non-Russians to marry Russians.

Anarchist Chossid said...

There are others. Excellent food. Deep erudition. Finely developed sense of dark humor. Good taste in cinematography. Kids will know how to play chess well (and, if the father is Russian, hate baseball). Who cold pass these by?

Just like a guy said...

And very humble too.

Anarchist Chossid said...

There is a difference between not being humble and knowing one’s worth.

Anyway, I personally have none of the traits discussed. But then again, I am not Russian, so I don’t have their negative traits either.

Just like a guy said...

Nu, how do Ukrainians compare?

Anarchist Chossid said...

I am not Ukrainian either. Nor am I Byelorussian, Moldovian, Georgian, Armenian, Kazach, Uzbek, Mongol, Tatar, Tatar-Mongol, or Chukcha.

Just like a guy said...

Ha! I always knew you were Kazakhstani.

Anarchist Chossid said...

You mean, Kazach? No.

Just like a guy said...

According to the great source of all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, both are acceptable.

Anarchist Chossid said...

They are completely different things. A Kazakh (or Kazach) is an ethnicity. A Kazakhstani is a nationality.

Just like a guy said...

Are you saying that the great source of all human wisdom is fallible?

Anarchist Chossid said...

No, you just can’t interpret it right. It’s not your fault, you’re just American.

And before you call ICE, what I mean is: in America, there is a concept of nationality, but the concept of ethnicity is only used by people below Mason–Dixon line and racists. In US, the fact that your parents came from China doesn’t mean much. In Europe, it means that not only you skin, hair and eye color will be different, but also your culture, language and skills in chess.

Anarchist Chossid said...

That’s the three heretical movements in Judaism gained the greatest ground in the US. Being a Jew for them means religious views. In Europe people know that you’re a Jew even if your ancestors have been going to church and eating pork for generations.

Anarchist Chossid said...

That’s why*

Just like a guy said...

I bow before your superior ethnicity.

Anarchist Chossid said...

This song also shows the extent of what a Russian is looking for in his life: a house, a dog, a wife, an aunt, and a friend. What else does one need?

Anarchist Chossid said...

My superior ethnicity is the same as yours. Or so the Israeli rabbinate says.

Just like a guy said...

What does the Israeli rabbinate know?

Anarchist Chossid said...

They know that my brother is Jewish.

Anarchist Chossid said...

I mean, my cousin. My aunt's son. My grandmother's other grandson.

Just like a guy said...

I'm glad you're finally learning.

Anarchist Chossid said...

...the ways of the natives?

Just like a guy said...

Since when did the word "native" take on a pejorative sense?

Anarchist Chossid said...

Ever since the second group of people came to this continent and encountered the first group of people allowing them to look down upon each other. The story has repeated itself ever since.

Just like a guy said...

And when the ninth wave of unwashed masses comes ashore?

Anarchist Chossid said...

My children will be waiting, with free samples of deodorant.

Just like a guy said...

I'm glad to hear your children will be living the American dream.

Anarchist Chossid said...

Actually, my children will probably be Republicans. So, they will be there to recruit the newcomers to their (my children's) sweatshops.

Just like a guy said...

Nu, also the American dream.

Anarchist Chossid said...

That's American dream for those born in America.

Just like a guy said...


Anarchist Chossid said...

Umm... yes. I suppose.