Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Court singer

Some courts have court jesters (think Joe Biden). Some courts have court singers.

In case it’s not clear, the court singer is on the right. On the left is the court jest… I mean, the President of Russian Federation.

By the way, in Russia there used to be an expression: pridvornyj yevrey, a court Jew. In our times, it’s people like Richard Goldstone. Times have changed. Back in the day, lowlives like this fellow ratted out other Jews to KGB. In our times, they slander Israel to the United Nations. Choosing between KGB and UN, I’ll pick UN anytime. Don’t get me wrong, they are both pretty evil, but at least KGB accomplished what it set out to do and had some… chutzpa.

P.S. Can an immigrant from South Africa to the US (or a child of two such immigrants) call himself an African American?

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