Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Of bugs and men

Incredibly entertaining clip (some strong language in the middle and at the end):

Every time I see a police car or a motorcycle drive by, I get the same feeling as when I see a bedbug or a cockroach or hear of a hotel or an apartment infested with the creatures (which is not as often now that I have left the South, but let me use this opportunity to advertise this web-site).
        It is a feeling of seeing a parasite not so far away from oneself. A feeling of danger. A feeling of harassment. A feeling of disgust and brezglivost’, the word that Google translates as fastidiousness, but I don’t think the translation is quite right. The best way to translate it is by giving examples: not eating somewhere because you’re not quite sure the standards of cleanliness are high enough is brezglivost’. Not giving your hand to another person because he disgusts you so much (not necessarily physically) is also a case of brezglivost’.
        Then comes a feeling of waste.
        Saying that policemen in the present state (no pun intended) play an important role in the society is not too different from saying that fleas occupy an important place in the food chain and have their own niche in the ecosystem.
        Give me a break. They are parasites. The whole state and all its institutions is a case of parasitism. Has always been; shall always be, until it is replaced with freedom or righteousness (and the second will require a greater change in the nature of things than a lion lying together with a lamb).
        Any beneficial service that they do provide is offset by the negative influence on the society they have (think, for instance, about the amount of crime and deaths and human lives destroyed and corrupted due to the war on drugs or criminalization of prostitution). Private organizations would do a better job of protection than the thugs in the blue uniforms. As a result, by creating a monopoly of police, the police in fact precludes the organizations and individuals that would benefit the society much more from doing so. Even their good, then, is also evil.
        For some more light entertainment, read this.
        (In this, by the way, I differ from the conservatives. They — for instance, arbat — see the police as someone who works for them; they see themselves as the police’s employers. When they see a police car, they feel safe. I think that is simply a case of conservative naiveté.)

This was also interesting, but not as much as the clip above (for the record, besides casual use of caffeine and alcohol, I have never personally used any drugs):

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