Thursday, August 20, 2009

String Theory and Chassidus

What does the concept of ten dimensions mean?

Now, these ideas are discussed in a number of Rebbe Rashab’s ma’amorim and hemsheichim. Plus, numerous ma’amorim by the Rebbe. Some of these are available on Rabbi Paltiel’s web-site.

This is the answer of Rabbi Paltiel to a question asked by someone to him two years ago. The question said:
From Mem-Gimel.

Madregois lifnei hatzimtzum:

1. Moer — Kadmon
2. Yechoilos — Kadmoin ki kadmusoi
3. Spherois ein ketz — Kmo kadmon haheder
4. Ratzon
5. Eser spherois hagnuzois — Mehudesh

[Levels before the Creation:
1. Luminary — Eternal
2. Potentials — Eternal as He is eternal
3. Infinite number of spherois — As if existing forever (see below)
4. His Will
5. Ten Hidden Spherois — Innovation]

So, about number 3 it is said, that “it ‘always’ existed, but if Eibeshter wanted to, it wouldn’t exist”. What about yechoilos (potentials)?

Also, because the level 2 is differentiated from the level 1, does this mean that on the level of Eibeshter Himself there is not even a potential for creation (in a positive sense — that Eibeshter is above and beyond even the level of being potentially the Primary Source)?
The unasked question is: how can there exist levels within G-d’s pure, singular Light? Rabbi Paltiel’s answer (when listening, if the terms of “anatomy” are unclear, don’t worry about it — keep listening to what he says later):

Now, my question is: How can a Jew wake up in the morning, say Moideh Ani, say Shmah, go about his business through life and not know these things?

The other thing is: what Rabbi Paltiel explains is difficult to understand. But if you know a bit of Math or physics or just watch the movie above (starting from the discussion of the fifth dimension), you can understand it a little better. What does that say about chochmas chitzoinius?


e said...


Anarchist Chossid said...

By the way, the Chassidus part is the answer to the last question of the video. What can we have after the tenth dimension?

Menashe said...

You're forced to say there is a tzimtzum to go from Meor to Yechoiles. Keep in mind all these madreigos are relative to each other. Each one is bli gvul lgabei the one after it and gvuldik lgabei the medreiga before it.

Interesting teitch for kadmon. It certainly doesn't literally mean "eternal." Using your definition, you have to say ratzon as well as the eser sefiros are also eternal. I would like it's more like before. Or beforeness. The quality of being before from our vantage point. Again, relative to us.

Anarchist Chossid said...

Menashe, thanks. Interesting.

Anarchist Chossid said...

Why are you forced to say there is tzimtzum between Meor and Yechoilos? Rabbi Paltiel seems to disagree by saying “they are Eibeshter’s yechoilos”... Are you saying that Meor is even beyond the level of having it as a potential to create the world?