Friday, October 9, 2009


Anything done privately — without help of the government — is better done privately. Including charity. Especially charity.

People ask: “If the government doesn’t help poor people, who will?” What in the world does this mean? The same people who think they need to elect idiots to office in order to help poor people can help poor people themselves. Or through private companies, competing with each other for quality of service (in this case: charity… which is no different from, say, telephone or shoes).

Read my lips: Ignore the government. Do something yourself.

Libertarians are not heartless bastards. Libertarians believe that all the wonderful things liberals think the government should be doing can and should be done privately.

Think I am full of it? Watch this video. (The saddest thing is: this guy probably voted for Obama.)

Now tell me: whom do you want to take your charity money?
a) some pencil pusher in your state’s capital
b) Obama
c) this guy

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